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St  Patrick's  Roman  Catholic  Church  in   Grangetown,   Cardiff,   is   part   of   the   Cardiff    Deanery   of   the Roman   Catholic   Archdiocese   of   Cardiff.  

This Church  opened   on   St Patrick's Day  March  17th  1930.





St Patricks RC Primary School is  in Lucknow Street, Grangetown

 It has close links with the Church.

The school  website.

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60th  Anniversary of Mary Immaculate High School / Archbishop Mostyn.
If you have any memories that you would like to share ..  please click here

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Outside view

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please phone

02920 253514


Memorial  of Our  Lady  of  Mount Carmel

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Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Find out more
Click on the image above for  today's  Reading
Tuesday  16th  July 2024

Help    us    Lord    to    be    appreciative    of    your    Love

Today’s Gospel is a difficult one to read  because Jesus’ instruction to His disciples is pretty disturbing. He denounces the cities of Chorazin and Bethsaida for refusing to believe in Him despite the wonders they had seen Him work. He tells his disciples that He has not come to bring peace; rather He has come to bring the sword. He also says that He has come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against a mother-in-law. 
Clearly Jesus is furious with the people of Bethsaida and Chorazin. After seeing the wonders he had worked in their midst, it seems that they immediately should have repented. However, they did not! They simply went on about their evil deeds. Clearly, they were not interested in changing their lifestyle nor had any fear of God!
Would Jesus ever be tempted to “denounce” us for not recognizing or appreciating the wonders He is working in our lives and in our world?

It is so easy to become jaded. Do we see the many wonders Jesus is working in our world and our lives? Do we even look for them? Or are we so anesthetized with our daily routine that our minds, eyes and hearts are closed to the many wonders in our world? If so, how sad that is! There is so much goodness and beauty in people and in our world. However, we need to have open eyes, minds and hearts to truly see all this goodness!

Today, let us keep our eyes and our hearts open and awake. If we do so, we will see many “small” miracles and great beauty! What a wondrous gift to behold! Be alert! Be attentive!

Masses for this and the coming week

Tuesday  6.30pm
Wednesday  6.30pm 
Thursday  10.00am
Thursday Funeral Service 12.45pm  (GP)
Friday    10.00am
Saturday     6.30pm
Sunday        10.00am
Monday   No Mass
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After any  Mass

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Merger:  Cardiff/ Menevia
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Pope Francis: Vision for a Synodal Church
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Read our Parish Newsletter 
July 14th  2024
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Please click on the above image for donations directly to the Parish.

Mass can also be followed on these links.

Service Times in other Catholic Churches in Cardiff
click here

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Are you a member of our Parish Facebook page? The Facebook page has been established for quite a long time and has over 400 members

Join us on:   Friends of St Patrick’s Grangetown


We now have a Twitter account.

Please follow us:   St Patrick’s Church Grangetown   @StPatsGrange


Latest  News  and  Information


This includes:          Newsletters,        


             Latest news  from  Pope  Francis      St Patrick's  Primary  School  Website  

                 What does IHS mean?          

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