St Patrick's RC Church
Pentrebane Street, Grangetown, Cardiff
CF11 7LJ

St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Grangetown, Cardiff, is part of the Cardiff Deanery of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cardiff.
This Church opened on St Patrick's Day March 17th 1930.

St Patricks RC Primary School is in Lucknow Street, Grangetown
It has close links with the Church.
The school website. http://www.stpatricks-primary.co.uk/

Monday in the Third week of Lent

Click on the image above for today's Reading
Monday 24th March 2025
My soul is thirsting for the living God
Once again, Jesus is teaching. However, today He is teaching in the synagogue in his home town of Nazareth. What was this experience like for Jesus? Probably a difficult one since Jesus bluntly tells His listeners that typically no prophet is accepted in his home town. He must not have felt welcomed or accepted. Perhaps Jesus was too familiar to them for Him to be a prophet or even a teacher. They may have said to one another: “who does he think he is to be preaching to us? We have known him since the day he was born!” Perhaps though, there was something deeper going on in the hearts of the people in Nazareth. Was it simply easier to dismiss Jesus rather than being open to listening to Him? Or were they afraid of what they might find if they looked deeply into their hearts?
We are almost half way through Lent. In these past weeks, have we taken time to look deeply into our hearts? Or have we been too busy to quiet down or perhaps even afraid to quiet down? For many of us Lent may not be a comfortable season of our Church year. And that is understandable! The season of Lent invites us and challenges us to quiet down and go deep into our minds and our hearts!
Lent calls us to examine our lives. Are we truly happy? Are we at peace? Or are we running? What are we running from? How would we describe our relationship with God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit? Is this relationship superficial or is it a deep and meaningful relationship?
Lent is a time and a call to go deep within. Today may we deliberately take time to do just that. May we sit quietly with the Lord and look into our hearts. What will we find there? Is Jesus there in our hearts? The reality is Jesus is there but the question may be: will we be open and fully present to Jesus? It is our choice!

Join in with the Stations of the Cross online Click here
We have Stations of the Cross
every Friday during Lent at 3pm
Masses for this and the coming week
Monday NO MASS
Tuesday 6.30pm
Wednesday 10.00am
Thursday Requiem Mass 10.30am WR
Friday 10.00am
Saturday 6.30pm
Sunday 10.00am
Weekday Masses will be in the Sacristy

We welcome Fr Peter Okafor to our Parish Family. We hope he will be very happy with us.

'Walk with Me' reflections for Lent £1.00 from the Church
Almighty and Eternal God,
you are the everlasting health of
those who believe in you.
Hear our prayers for your sick servant Francis
for whom we implore the aid of your tender mercy,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Mass: A Privileged Encounter Episode 1
The Mass : Called out of the World Episode 2
The Mass : God speaks our story Episode 3
The Mass : Responding to God Episode 4
The Mass : Preparing for Sacrifice Episode 5
The Mass : The Real Presence creates Communion Episode 6
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Catholic Churches (put in name)
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Service Times in other Catholic Churches in Cardiff
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Jubilee Prayer

Read our Parish Newsletter
March 23rd 2025

Please click on the above image for donations directly to the Parish.
There has been a problem with the monthly donation link. You may need to re-do it if you donate this way.
Mass can also be followed on these links.
Daily Mass (On Demand)
10.00am Sunday and Daily Mass
Are you a member of our Parish Facebook page? The Facebook page has been established for quite a long time and has over 400 members
Join us on: Friends of St Patrick’s Grangetown -www.stpatrickscardiff.co.uk
We now have a Twitter account.
Please follow us: St Patrick’s Church Grangetown @StPatsGrange
Latest News and Information
This includes: Newsletters,
Latest news from Pope Francis St Patrick's Primary School Website
St Patrick's Charity Number: 1177272