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CAFOD South Wales  (click here)

CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) is the official overseas development and relief agency of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.  CAFOD South Wales operates within the dioceses of Cardiff and Menevia working through local Catholic parishes, schools, groups and networks of committed individuals by:

  • promoting human development and social justice in witness to Christian faith and Gospel values

  • drawing inspiration from Scripture, Catholic Social Teaching, and the experiences and hopes of the people themselves who are poor, marginalised, or oppressed

  • making connections and building partnerships between poor communities overseas and local supporters at home fostering mutual learning and trust

  • networking local volunteers across the Archdiocese of Cardiff whose roles are to raise awareness of the development and relief work through parishes, schools and their local communities


CAFOD provides support for their work with prayer and liturgy materials, educational resources for schools and groups and skills development and resources for campaigning and fundraising. If you have time, energy and ideas to offer we would very much like to hear from you.

Please Click here for latest link

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