St Patrick's RC Church
Pentrebane Street, Grangetown, Cardiff
CF11 7LJ
St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Grangetown, Cardiff, is part of the Cardiff Deanery of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cardiff.
This Church opened on St Patrick's Day March 17th 1930.
St Patricks RC Primary School is in Lucknow Street, Grangetown
It has close links with the Church.
The school website.
Weekday in Ordinary Time
Click on the image above for today's Reading
Wednesday 12th February 2025
Bless the Lord, O my soul
Today Jesus once again is teaching the crowd. He is saying that it is not what enters a person that defiles them. Rather, He says that it is what comes out of a person that has the potential to defile. Many of us may not use the word "defile” frequently. However, we may use other words, such as taint, corrupt, degrade or tarnish.
All of us, at one time or another, may have tainted, corrupted, degraded or tarnished another person’s image or reputation. We may not have done it in a highly public way, such as writing a newspaper article about them. We simply may have made a snide comment about the person. Or perhaps we may have kept silent and let our silence speak for us.
What is within us that has the potential to “defile?” Anger? Hurt? Envy? Pride? It is easy to say words but once the words have been spoken, they cannot be taken back! Our thoughts also cannot be taken back.
However, we can monitor the direction of our thoughts and choose to change our direction.
Today may we be mindful of guarding our hearts and our tongues! Before we speak, we might stop for a moment and ask ourselves: what would Jesus say or do in this situation? What will we choose to do?
Masses for this and the coming week
Wednesday 10.00am
Thursday 10.00am
Friday 10.00am
Saturday 6.30pm
Sunday 10.00am
Monday NO MASS
Tuesday 6.30pm
Weekday Masses will be in the Sacristy
Jubilee Prayer
The Mass: A Privileged Encounter Episode 1
The Mass : Called out of the World Episode 2
The Mass : God speaks our story Episode 3
The Mass : Responding to God Episode 4
The Mass : Preparing for Sacrifice Episode 5
The Mass : The Real Presence creates Communion Episode 6
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For more information about the new lectionary, the structure of the Mass and much more.
Read our Parish Newsletter
February 9th 2025
Please click on the above image for donations directly to the Parish.
There has been a problem with the monthly donation link. You may need to re-do it if you donate this way.
Mass can also be followed on these links.
Daily Mass (On Demand)
10.00am Sunday and Daily Mass
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Join us on: Friends of St Patrick’s Grangetown
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Please follow us: St Patrick’s Church Grangetown @StPatsGrange
Latest News and Information
This includes: Newsletters,
Latest news from Pope Francis St Patrick's Primary School Website
St Patrick's Charity Number: 1177272